There is

A Pandemic of Irrationality
is Sweeping across Our World

The Essence of Civilized, Rational Life
is at risk of being demolished and destroyed
Time for (r)Evolution

Our Civilization is At Risk

We Al l Must Work Together
We will all live under Extremists
and then live under T-Rex

WE CAN DO IT. We can come together and overcome the threats at our doorstep.

SOUL = Survival and Sustainability of Organized Human Life


Current and Active Projects within the Programs of the SOUL Initiative

These Projects are special concentrated actions, long-term, potentially permanent, or short-term, that are organized and managed within a SOUL Program established within the SOUL Initiative.

Thus, the logic-path is like this: {Sponsors, partners, People and Groups like You and Us} --> SOUL Initiative --> Programs --> Projects.

Note! Almost everything within the SOUL Initiative is new and "just getting underway", and really, only with a renewal beginning in 2022.

The initial commitments and big pushes began only with the beginning of January, 2019, but then there came a big "freeze" with COVID-19 in 2020 and other challenges in moving forward with the SOUL work in 2021 and 2022. Now there is a renewed effort; his entails a number of major, very signficant revisions to projectd activities as well as content in this website. There's not an "army" of us doing things yet, either! Soon we hope You will be helping in whatever ways you can. All of this work is obviously and clearly not about "us"as some particular group, but it's about ALL OF US TOGETHER and that has You in this group, this World, front-and-center.

So, here, early November of 2022, are only the briefest of introductions, for the most part, and in fact most of the links here are temporarily cut off until we make new content and in most cases some major revisions.

(1) VIDE et Conferatur (See and Compare)

Program: SOUL Talks
Status: Active, with future additions from time to time
This provides some books and films that are "fiction" but perhaps more realistic, insightful and certainly useful for people to read and view, in order to understand the serious reality of what we as humans have allowed to go virtually unchecked, and which now threatens our very Survival on Earth.

Go HERE because this is where things are headed now:

Cyber Robin and the Hood!


(2) PODVAL ("Look Down in the Basement")

Podval site
Program: SOUL Talks
Status: Up and going; Enjoy!
This is for people who like certain kinds of music, videos, film, and archtetypal, impactful characters. Can you be a Jedi Knight for Earth, for Humanity, for a Clean and Safe Earth, for the Rebellion Against the Imperialists of the Empire and the Forces of Mordor????

This is really trurning into being All About using Music, all the Arts, and Dance in all its forms, to advance awareness and education, constructive Action, and in the process, give Everyone opportunities to exercise all their talents and dispositions. And get some great exercise whether solo or in the company of friends and fellow SOUL-mates from around the world!

For now, it's just a few selections of music videos, but good ones!
Podval site


(3) RA -- Regeneration Alliance

+ GSN Technology - GAIA Sustainability Network

Program: All of the SOUL Initiative programs, together
Status: Actively Starting with People in Europe, Africa and the Americas
Read the Excerpts at the above link. Everything is fresh-started, underway and with the sense of urgency that we all must feel and know about True ReGenerative Culture for All Humanity and All Earth

Go HERE because this is where things are headed now:

Cyber Robin and the Hood!


(4) Money Tree (because it grows on trees)

Program: SOUL Bank
Status: Underway but a lot of prep to do; ICO/STO services mid-year
This will provide the "front end" (user interfaces and apps) for everything connected with "Leaf" and "Blade" digital currencies, and "Seed" securitized token exchanges.

(NOTE! This connects with current research in TETRAD Institute and Intelligence Renaissance Industries that pertains to the KOIN network and koin "smart objects", and the "eco" fiat-supported digital currency (not a traditional "cryptocurrency" anbd not employing the blockchain algorithm but someting significantly more reliable, secure and also faster and with less compute-overhead. Contact us to learn more!)


(5) SPSA (People's Economic Power)

Program: SOUL Power
Status: Actively Going and Doing
This comprises the coordination of mass-action, global-capable consumer Actions - NO-BUY, SWITCH-OFF, SWITCH-TO-COMPETITORS Actions - for targeting of specific corporations in order to effect negotiations with their major institutional investors and others, in order to achieve specific goals supporting a Healthier Safer Climate, a Nuclear-Weapons-free World, and a world that is safer from both future pandemics of zoonotic origin and future collapse dur to massive social trauma, neurosis and psychosis.

Ere sre facing Disaster but We Can Overcome and Get Out of Our Mess!


The SOUL Initiative is also actively collaborating with and supporting the LIBRARIUM. The LIBRARIUM is a Project initiated, developed, and currently in progress within TETRAD Institute of Complex System Dynamics.

The LIBRARIUM is a physical repository and a digital online repository of an accumulated body of scientific, technical, engineering, mathematical, and tradecraft knowledge, tecniques, and current-research-in-progress, worldwide, cross-cultural, in order to maintain an open, free, accessible resource of skills, tools, crafts, and critical application-oriented knowledge - including significant bodies from the arts and humanities, for OUR FUTURE SOCIETY to possess, to use, to re-activate, to re-use, no matter what befalls our present human civilization.

The LIBRARIUM has been compared to the Svalbard GLOBAL SEED VAULT in Norway which is storing SEEDS from as many as possible of all of Earth's plant species. What SVALBARD is doing with biological seeds, the LIBRARIUM is doing with Constructive Knowledge for being able to Rebuild Civilization. In the extremely optimistic event that no severe catastrophes happen, the LIBRARIUM still serves its purpose as providing a valuable repository, organized systematically, carefully, for providing resources to people all around the world for new research, new development, new applications, all oriented toward serving all LIFE and serving SOUL - Survival and Sustainability of Organized Human Life.

For some more information go here

A Pandemic of Irrationality

Roots of Totalitarianism
What is Happening
The Consequences

Friends, Partners,

Us All




The HYDRA (more than a "cartel")

Docs &










SOUL Talks
& Events
SOUL Works

SOUL Credo, Chants and Cheers

The SOUL Initiative and its Programs and Projects are independent and separate from TETRAD Institute of Complex System Dynamics ("TETRAD"), indepedent and separate from Intelligence Renaissance Industries ("IRI"), and independent and separate from Mirnova Foundation.

The SOUL website and various technical functions and informational technology serving the SOUL Initiative is managed through the PSD (PSED) Program and also through the Coadunatio Program, and specifically the MIRNOVA Project therein, all of which are components of TETRAD Institute.

Various functions and services are provided gratis and pro bono by TETRAD, IRI and Mirnova Foundation.

Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 TETRAD Institute of Complex System Dynamics