The STEAM Works
Orchestrating and Conducting a Symphony of the Now-and-Next Generations
inside MIRNOVA inside TETRAD
Cultivating Science, Maths and the Arts to serve and sustain Lives and our Society
An approach that works with communities, schools, families, students
to make STEM and the Arts more interesting, more exciting, more meaningful
To Strengthen Us All
[1]Our society depends upon our Up-and-Coming Next Generations. We hope this is obvious, of course! Now is the Time for serious and invigorating efforts to be directed to educating our present and upcoming generations in many critical areas including how we can employ our sciences, technologies, engineering, mathematics, and also our arts and humanities, in very focused and integrative ways, for the benefits of who and what we are as People, and for the sustainability of Life Itself.
Please Review the "CQ" and the "CADUN" - the 4 and 8 Criticalities - that are listed down below.
[2] We aim to employ STEM and the Arts and Humanities, including Philosophy, and personal + social practices that encourage, empower and sustain awareness, critical thinking, collaboration, cooperation and other core virtues and practices of mind and body, in order to cultivate and refine People to work together creatively and pragmatically towards our important needs of Today and Tomorrow.
[3] Who produces and leads the STEAMworks? We are scientists, technologists, artists, doctors, nurses, business and financial people. (Read about some of us here.) We want to work with schools of all types and serving all ages, in some very creative ways:
Yes, it's about an asteroid and an avoidable collision with Earth and how to prevent the catastrophic consequences...
Yes, it involves kids of all ages making the artwork, the props, the videos, everything, and also speaking, live, on stage.
Let's Do It! Let's LOOK UP! for once and for the good of all!
[4] Read about a few of the things we have done quite recently:
[5] Talk with us about the things we have done, are planning, and can do with your engagement and assistance:
Read, Please, and Be Thoughtful about these things - they are not abstractions but part of our world future.
CQ - the 4 Critical Quarters of Our World's Future.
These are the four critical global problems we must solve in order to continue as a civilized species.
CADUN - Critical Areas of Developmental Urgent Need.
These span 4 main domains:
Please Ask Yourselves:
ANSWER: Not any real good for our world, not at all, if we are not here to Live it and propagate these things we call "culture" and civilization".
What good is all the science, tech, enginering, maths, art, literature, philosophy for the Future - IF WE ARE GONE AS A SPECIES or GONE as what we knew and know as Human Civilization?
Work with us. Bring us to your schools, colleges, universities, to your media, your networks, your circles of communication. Team up with us to Make Change that We Can All Live with - and here, we mean, LIVE by and with and through!
You know that our children are feeling and sensing everything around them, incuding the uncertainties, the stresses. There's No hiding things from children! They Deserve to learn how what they can do with their Minds in the future - in elementary school, in high school, in university and thereafter - CAN MAKE A HEALTHY DIFFERENCE!
TETRAD Institute of Complex System Dynamics is a private, not-for-profit, international research organization dedicated to advancement of culture through science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. The Institute comprises a faculty of research scientists and specialists in multiple and interdisciplinary fields working as a globally distributed network community. Faculty, fellows, mentors and teachers are recognized experts in their respective fields, within academia, industry, and throughout the global community. Projects are conducted in collaboration with institutions and companies in both the public and private sectors. Principal centers of activity are based in the United States of America and the European Union.
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