Diversity and Unity


From the smallest to the largest, in Art and Nature




The idea is to create a web-based exhibit that is also an educational learning experience for young children principally, from ages 8 to 14, but including participation by adults, and oriented mainly toward children and schools in rural towns and villages.  Part of the motivation is to extend and strengthen Lincos-type interaction and learning.


The theme is the diversity and the unity that can be found in the microscale and all the way up to the most macro/cosmic scales.


There will be a basic web site that will be the “seed” of the entire project and what evolves.  It will consist of a web gallery of images and video mainly that illustrates many aspects and portrayals of sameness and difference between “large and small” scales – the idea here is that things are presented in pairs, conceptually – something on the microcosmic, something on the macrocosmic.


This gallery will be the basis for teachers and mentors to involve children in participation.  The idea is to create some “lesson plans” that can be used as guides and starting points.  The children will be directed to search for particular web sites and to use the basic gallery, and then to produce materials that fit the themes of the project.






Sponsor Possibilities


Avina Foundation

Arias Foundation

Intel Corporation


Facio & Cañas

Jose Figueres