// login, registration, general msgs to users
$lang[motto] = "Always watching, learning, guiding";
$lang[language] = "Language";
$lang[username] = "Username";
$lang[password] = "Password";
$lang[passwordagain] = "Password again";
$lang[fname] = "First name";
$lang[lname] = "Last name";
$lang[email] = "E-mail";
$lang[registerbutton] = "Register";
$lang[registerloged] = "You are logged in.If you want to register again, please logout first.";
$lang[loginbutton] = "Login!";
$lang[hotnews] = "Hot News!";
$lang[register] = "REGISTER";
$lang[registerpre] = "Not registered? then click here --->";
$lang[free] = "It's Free!";
$lang[forgottenpassword] = "Remember my password";
$lang[enterusername] = "Enter your username";
$lang[sendpass] = "Send my password";
$lang[enteruser] = "Enter username !";
$lang[yourpassword] = "Your password";
$lang[yourpasswordfor] = "Your password for";
$lang[is] = "is";
$lang[youareloged] = "You are logged in!";
$lang[passsentto] = "The password was sent to";
$lang[logout] = "Logout";
$lang[logedas] = "You are logged in as";
$lang[useloginform] = "Please use the login form :)";
$lang[wrongpass] = "Wrong username and/or password.";
$lang[thanksforlogin] = "Thanks for login!";
$lang[alreadyloged] = "You are already logged in!";
$lang[logedout] = "You just have logged out!";
$lang[fillfields] = "Fill all required fields !";
$lang[passdontmatch] = "Passwords don't match!";
$lang[usernameregistered] = "This username is already registered.";
$lang[thanksregister] = "Thanks for registering. Please login!";
$lang[changepass] = "Change your password";
$lang[oldpass] = "Old password";
$lang[newpass] = "New password";
$lang[newpassagain] = "New password (again)";
$lang[adminwelcome] = "Thanks for registering in our web-site";
$lang[adminwelcomemessage] = "Thank you very much for registering in our web-site $siteurl !
The HORUS admin team";
$lang[have2login2change] = "You have to login to change your password!";
$lang[changebutton] = "Change";
$lang[enterpasswords] = "You have to enter passwords";
$lang[npdontmatch] = "The new passwords don't match";
$lang[wrongoldpass] = "Your old password is wrong";
$lang[passwordchanged] = "Your password was changed.";
$lang[hello] = "Hello";
$lang[editaccount] = "Edit account";
$lang[savechanges] = "Save Changes";
$lang[accountupdated] = "The account was updated. You must logout and then login again to use the new settings";
$lang[have2login] = "You have to login!";
$lang[nonewmessages] = "You have no new messages";
$lang[newmessages] = "new messages";
$lang[from] = "From";
$lang[messagedate] = "Date";
$lang[messagetitle] = "Title";
$lang[action] = "Action";
$lang[deletemessage] = "Delete";
$lang[senton] = "Sent on";
$lang[replymessage] = "Reply";
$lang[sendmessage] = "Send message";
$lang[messageto] = "To";
$lang[messagecontent] = "Message";
$lang[originalmessage] = "Original message";
$lang[sendbutton] = "Send";
$lang[messagedeleted] = "The message was deleted";
$lang[messagewassent] = "The message was sent";
$lang[searchusers] = "Find users";
$lang[search] = "Search!";
$lang[nofoundusers] = "No users found";
$lang[country] = "Country";
$lang[city] = "City";
$lang[interests] = "Interests";
$lang[realname] = "Real name";
$lang[location] = "Location";
$lang[addincontactbook] = "Add in contact book";
$lang[useradded] = "The user was added in your contact book";
$lang[sendtothisuser] = "Send the message to this user";
$lang[contactbook] = "Contact book";
$lang[useralreadyadded] = "The user is already in your contact list";
$lang[searchinghelp] = "Enter the search query - username, real name, email, city, country or interests, to find users";
$lang[welcome] = "Welcome!";
$lang[opennewsession] = "You are opening a New Session";
$lang[usecookies] = "HORUS works better with Cookies activated";
$lang[langsupport] = "Current language support (Version 1.0)";
$lang[clickonflag] = "Click on flag to change system language";
$lang[langsnotavail] = "Note! All languages not fully available in development system.";
$lang[tutorialrefguide] = "TUTORIAL & REFERENCE GUIDE";
$lang[startsession] = "Start a Session";
// element processing
$lang[e_name] = "Element";
$lang[e_type] = "Type";
$lang[explore] = "XPlor";
$lang[def] = "Definition";
$lang[quickdef] = "Quick Definition";
$lang[identdefquestion] = "Is this an identity definition?";
$lang[assoc] = "Association";
$lang[quickassoc] = "Quick Assoc";
$lang[infer] = "Inference";
$lang[deduct] = "Deduction";
$lang[premise] = "Premise";
$lang[conclusion] = "Conclusion";
$lang[ante] = "Antecedent";
$lang[cons] = "Consequent";
$lang[induct] = "Induction";
$lang[abduct] = "Abduction";
$lang[observ] = "Observation";
$lang[assert] = "Assertion";
$lang[hypot] = "Hypothesis";
$lang[quickinfer] = "Quick Infer";
$lang[tempphrase] = "xyz-new-phrase";
// admin
$lang[adminusers] = "Administrate users";
$lang[sendnewsletter] = "Send Newsletter";
$lang[deleteuser] = "Delete";
$lang[userdeleted] = "The user was deleted";
$lang[goback] = "Go back";
$lang[adminindex] = "Admin Index";
$lang[entersandb] = "Enter subject and content";
$lang[sntitle] = "Title";
$lang[sncontent] = "Content";
$lang[snclear] = "Clear";
$lang[snsend] = "Send";
$lang[sentto] = "Sent to";
$lang[snsent] = "The newsletter was sent to all users";
$lang[userdontexist] = "User doesn't exist";
$lang[personalinfo] = "Personal info";
$lang[seepersonalinfo] = "See";
// Development phase only
$lang[newphrase] = "[use new phrase here]";
$lang[debug] = "DEBUG...";
Contact Us for Registration { Registration (FREE) provides access to the ACADEMY's online Portal and Library } Available to Students, Parents, Faculty and Sponsors |
for Empowering and Deepening Education and Character |
based in and operated from New York, NY with branches in Washington, DC and Virginia |
In the PORTAL, registered users can access among the following ACADEMY web-based resources:
For more information and to arrange for interviews and discussion of individual programs of study:
(804) 740-0342 or (202) 415-7295 or (505) 926-1399
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