logout first."; $lang[loginbutton] = "Login!"; $lang[hotnews] = "Hot News!"; $lang[register] = "REGISTER"; $lang[registerpre] = "Not registered? then click here --->"; $lang[free] = "It's Free!"; $lang[forgottenpassword] = "Remember my password"; $lang[enterusername] = "Enter your username"; $lang[sendpass] = "Send my password"; $lang[enteruser] = "Enter username !"; $lang[yourpassword] = "Your password"; $lang[yourpasswordfor] = "Your password for"; $lang[is] = "is"; $lang[youareloged] = "You are logged in!"; $lang[passsentto] = "The password was sent to"; $lang[logout] = "Logout"; $lang[logedas] = "You are logged in as"; $lang[useloginform] = "Please use the login form :)"; $lang[wrongpass] = "Wrong username and/or password."; $lang[thanksforlogin] = "Thanks for login!"; $lang[alreadyloged] = "You are already logged in!"; $lang[logedout] = "You just have logged out!"; $lang[fillfields] = "Fill all required fields !"; $lang[passdontmatch] = "Passwords don't match!"; $lang[usernameregistered] = "This username is already registered."; $lang[thanksregister] = "Thanks for registering. Please login!"; $lang[changepass] = "Change your password"; $lang[oldpass] = "Old password"; $lang[newpass] = "New password"; $lang[newpassagain] = "New password (again)"; $lang[adminwelcome] = "Thanks for registering in our web-site"; $lang[adminwelcomemessage] = "Thank you very much for registering in our web-site $siteurl !
The HORUS admin team"; $lang[have2login2change] = "You have to login to change your password!"; $lang[changebutton] = "Change"; $lang[enterpasswords] = "You have to enter passwords"; $lang[npdontmatch] = "The new passwords don't match"; $lang[wrongoldpass] = "Your old password is wrong"; $lang[passwordchanged] = "Your password was changed."; $lang[hello] = "Hello"; $lang[editaccount] = "Edit account"; $lang[savechanges] = "Save Changes"; $lang[accountupdated] = "The account was updated. You must logout and then login again to use the new settings"; $lang[have2login] = "You have to login!"; $lang[nonewmessages] = "You have no new messages"; $lang[newmessages] = "new messages"; $lang[from] = "From"; $lang[messagedate] = "Date"; $lang[messagetitle] = "Title"; $lang[action] = "Action"; $lang[deletemessage] = "Delete"; $lang[senton] = "Sent on"; $lang[replymessage] = "Reply"; $lang[sendmessage] = "Send message"; $lang[messageto] = "To"; $lang[messagecontent] = "Message"; $lang[originalmessage] = "Original message"; $lang[sendbutton] = "Send"; $lang[messagedeleted] = "The message was deleted"; $lang[messagewassent] = "The message was sent"; $lang[searchusers] = "Find users"; $lang[search] = "Search!"; $lang[nofoundusers] = "No users found"; $lang[country] = "Country"; $lang[city] = "City"; $lang[interests] = "Interests"; $lang[realname] = "Real name"; $lang[location] = "Location"; $lang[addincontactbook] = "Add in contact book"; $lang[useradded] = "The user was added in your contact book"; $lang[sendtothisuser] = "Send the message to this user"; $lang[contactbook] = "Contact book"; $lang[useralreadyadded] = "The user is already in your contact list"; $lang[searchinghelp] = "Enter the search query - username, real name, email, city, country or interests, to find users"; $lang[welcome] = "Welcome!"; $lang[opennewsession] = "You are opening a New Session"; $lang[usecookies] = "HORUS works better with Cookies activated"; $lang[langsupport] = "Current language support (Version 1.0)"; $lang[clickonflag] = "Click on flag to change system language"; $lang[langsnotavail] = "Note! All languages not fully available in development system."; $lang[tutorialrefguide] = "TUTORIAL & REFERENCE GUIDE"; $lang[startsession] = "Start a Session"; // element processing $lang[e_name] = "Element"; $lang[e_type] = "Type"; $lang[explore] = "XPlor"; $lang[def] = "Definition"; $lang[quickdef] = "Quick Definition"; $lang[identdefquestion] = "Is this an identity definition?"; $lang[assoc] = "Association"; $lang[quickassoc] = "Quick Assoc"; $lang[infer] = "Inference"; $lang[deduct] = "Deduction"; $lang[premise] = "Premise"; $lang[conclusion] = "Conclusion"; $lang[ante] = "Antecedent"; $lang[cons] = "Consequent"; $lang[induct] = "Induction"; $lang[abduct] = "Abduction"; $lang[observ] = "Observation"; $lang[assert] = "Assertion"; $lang[hypot] = "Hypothesis"; $lang[quickinfer] = "Quick Infer"; $lang[tempphrase] = "xyz-new-phrase"; // admin $lang[adminusers] = "Administrate users"; $lang[sendnewsletter] = "Send Newsletter"; $lang[deleteuser] = "Delete"; $lang[userdeleted] = "The user was deleted"; $lang[goback] = "Go back"; $lang[adminindex] = "Admin Index"; $lang[entersandb] = "Enter subject and content"; $lang[sntitle] = "Title"; $lang[sncontent] = "Content"; $lang[snclear] = "Clear"; $lang[snsend] = "Send"; $lang[sentto] = "Sent to"; $lang[snsent] = "The newsletter was sent to all users"; $lang[userdontexist] = "User doesn't exist"; $lang[personalinfo] = "Personal info"; $lang[seepersonalinfo] = "See"; // Development phase only $lang[newphrase] = "[use new phrase here]"; $lang[debug] = "DEBUG..."; ?>


Contact Us for Registration
{ Registration (FREE) provides access to the ACADEMY's online Portal and Library }
Available to Students, Parents, Faculty and Sponsors
for Empowering and Deepening Education and Character

based in and operated from New York, NY with branches in Washington, DC and Virginia

In the PORTAL, registered users can access among the following
ACADEMY web-based resources:

  • Online Individually-Customized Learning System

  • Online Team-Based Learning System

  • LIBRARY (books, articles, and video clips/streams

  • Student Projects Works-in-Progress (when available for viewing)

  • Event Schedules and Plans

For more information and to arrange for interviews and discussion of individual programs of study:
(804) 740-0342 or (202) 415-7295 or (505) 926-1399

Postal Address:
(Washington DC / Virginia)
9400 Windy Cove Ct. Suite "I", Richmond, VA 23294-6470


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